Lucrative Films That Became Even More Valuable TV Shows

21. Teen Wolf (1985)

Movie Box Office Gross: $80 million*
TV Show Spinoff: Teen Wolf (2011-2017)

When Micahel J. Fox starred in 1985’s Teen Wolf, he probably didn’t bet on it becoming an uber-successful TV show three decades later. The movie was a fun rom-com with a twist, and people loved it. Considering its budget was a paltry $1.2 million, the movie was solid gold.

Teen Wolf @tvline / @wired /

Teen Wolf @tvline / @wired /

In 2011, MTV launched its own take on the concept with Tyler Posey in the lead role. Although the show was much more dramatic than the original movie, it served as a solid inspiration. At the time, supernatural teen dramas were reigning supreme.