Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

9. Trans-Sahara Highway, Africa

Constructed: 1963
Risk Factor: Extremely hot weather leads to danger if you’re broken down, security concerns along isolated sections of the road

The Trans-Sahara Highway, also known as TAH 2, is a work in progress. It is a transnational highway that is supposed to ease and improve border formalities on a trade route across the Sahara Desert. The Trans-Sahara runs north to south, and it is home to some deadly challenges, particularly in its central section.

Trans-Sahara Highway, Africa

Trans-Sahara Highway, Africa

First, as we all know from National Geographic, the Sahara Desert is one of the hottest regions in the world. Temperatures can reach 117 degrees Fahrenheit. Certain sections of the TAH 2 require special vehicles and precautions just to survive the heat, and you’re out of luck if you get stuck. Additionally, there are security concerns, particularly in the isolated Algerian section of the road.