Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

10. Conor Pass, Ireland

Constructed: 700/800 A.D.
Risk Factor: Twisty, one-lane road can’t support heavier cars and is intense to try to travel through

The Conor Pass (An Chonair in Irish) is one of the highest asphalted mountain passes in Ireland. The Conor Pass is located in County Kerry along the R560 Road. The mountain pass reaches 1,496 feet high, connecting Dingle with Castlegregory and Brandon Bay.

Connor Pass, Ireland @Kathryn Guare /

Connor Pass, Ireland @Kathryn Guare /

An Chonair is dangerous because of its twists and turns. The road, from above, looks like one of those crazy maps you’d find on the back of a box of Lucky Charms. The pass is one lane, and vehicles over two tons in weight are banned from using the road because An Chonair can’t support their weight. Dangers aside, the Conor Pass is considered one of the loveliest roads in Ireland, for those brave enough to attempt it.