Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

13. Chapman’s Peak, South Africa

Constructed: 1922
Risk Factor: Falling rocks crush cars, the road is very steep with no shoulder

Chapman’s Peak was carved out of the face of a mountain in the early 1900s, so, as you can imagine, the road is prone to falling rocks and avalanches. At the time of its construction, Chapman’s Peak was considered a huge feat of engineering. But, the road wasn’t without its flaws.

Chapman’s Peak, South Africa @wikipedia

Chapman’s Peak, South Africa @wikipedia

Chapman’s Peak has been closed several times after motorist deaths, either from falling rocks or tumbling off the steep cliff into the harsh Atlantic Ocean. Chapman’s Peak was first shut down in the 1990s after falling rocks caused a death and then a lawsuit. It was reopened a decade later as a toll road, but it was shut down again in 2008 because of more rockfalls. It’s now reopened for tourists bold enough to drive it.