Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

21. Zoji Pass, India

Constructed: Early 1900s
Risk Factor: Unpaved road with a lot of twists and turns, prone to bad weather, and there is no guardrail protecting cars from plummeting into the mountains

The Zoji Pass, also known as the Zoji La, crosses through the Himalayas in India. It is located in the Dras, and it links Kashmir Valley with the Suru, Indus, and Dras Valleys. The Zoji La is unpaved, which makes driving on it treacherous as travelers attempt to navigate twists and turns at 11,575 feet above sea level.

Zoji Pass, India @Wit.Siri /

Zoji Pass, India @Wit.Siri /

The Zoji La is also prone to bad weather. Though everyone thinks of India as a hot region, certain areas of the country can get heavy snowfall. Traffic slows to a standstill, and the Zoji Pass is often closed because of blizzards. Currently, the Zoji La Tunnel is being constructed at a cost of $930 million, in the hopes of allowing people to travel through the Himalayas, even in the winter.