Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

22. Paso de Los Libertadores, Chile/Argentina

Constructed: 1980
Risk Factor: Hairpin twists and turns turn the road into a maze, and freezing temperatures and blizzards can strand travelers for hours, if not days

Also known as Cristo Redentor, the Paso Internacional Los Libertadores is a mountain pass through the Andes, connecting Argentina and Chile. Drivers with vertigo shouldn’t even attempt this road, and aerial views of the Paso Internacional look like an impossible maze.

Paso de Los Libertadores, Chile/Argentina @Sitzman ABC /

Paso de Los Libertadores, Chile/Argentina @Sitzman ABC /

Though the road on the Argentinian side is slow and gentle, the Chilean side is fraught with steep slopes and hairpin turns. You have to descend thousands of feet through a series of switchbacks, and the potential for freezing temperatures and blizzards is always present. In September of 2013, 15,000 Chilean drivers got stranded when the pass was closed for ten hours because of below-freezing temperatures and nearly twenty inches of snow.