Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

24. Great Ocean Road, Australia

Constructed: 1922
Risk Factor: Poor weather conditions can make the road extremely dangerous, the limestone cliffs lining the road are susceptible to erosion, causing rockfalls

The Great Ocean Road is one of the most famous roads in Australia. Constructed after World War I, the road serves as the largest war memorial in the world, as it is dedicated to those who died in WWI. The Great Ocean Road provides views of some of Australia’s beautiful natural landmarks, such as the Twelve Apostles, a collection of limestone stack formations.

Great Ocean Road, Australia @Roberto Seba /

Great Ocean Road, Australia @Roberto Seba /

Though gorgeous, the Great Ocean Road is difficult to drive in inclement weather. The cliffs surrounding the road are prone to erosion, which carries with it a risk of rockfalls. The twists and turns are accompanied by speed limits that range from 31 to 62 miles per hour.