Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

26. Karnali Highway, Nepal

Constructed: 2007
Risk Factor: Landslides, huge drops, floods, steep cliffs

The Karnali Highway is located in Nepal, just northwest of Kathmandu. The Highway is one of the world’s most dangerous roads for a variety of reasons, with one publication calling it a “true adventure.” The Highway was built in 2007, and it has already racked up a high number of fatal accidents.

Karnali Highway, Nepal @nmountainnews /

Karnali Highway, Nepal @nmountainnews /

The dilapidated conditions of the roads don’t help, though they’re not unexpected, as Karnali is one of the lowest-developed zones in Nepal, and the region is prone to flooding. The narrow road is also surrounded by steep cliffs, and there is no guardrail to protect people. The traffic accidents are so bad that Nepalese police have banned people from driving at night on Karnali.