Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

29. Federal Highway 1, Mexico

Constructed: 1973
Risk Factor: Blind corners, no barriers

Federal Highway 101 in Mexico is one of the country’s most dangerous roads. It crosses through the Sierra Madre corridor, and it becomes Interstate-5 (another list-maker) when it reaches the international border with the U.S., just south of San Ysidro, CA.

Federal Highway 1, Mexico @flymingo3 /

Federal Highway 1, Mexico @flymingo3 /

Federal Highway 101 has no barriers, blind corners, and hard shoulders. The surface is asphalted, and the majority of it is a two-lane highway. When it’s traveling between Las Barrancas and El Medano, it consists of a lone stretch of 105 miles with no turns. Even then, there are parts of the road in bad condition, and you always have to keep a sharp eye out for vehicles traveling in the opposite direction.