Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

32. Nanga Parbat Pass, Pakistan

Constructed: Unknown (Mostly not man-made)
Risk Factor: High altitude, narrow roads, unstable terrain

In 2013, Nanga Parbat Pass, also known as Fairy Meadows Road, was the second-most-dangerous highway in the world. The narrow mountain road sits at a treacherously high altitude, and the road itself is in an unstable condition. Heavy snowfall and avalanches can block sections of the road, and the Pass is prone to frequent ice patches.

Nanga Parbat Pass, Pakistan @Ali Haider /

Nanga Parbat Pass, Pakistan @Ali Haider /

Nanga Parbat translates to “The Naked Mountain,” and it sits 26,660 feet above sea level, acting as the Himalayas’ Western anchor. The mountain is one of fourteen eight-thousanders, and it has gained the nickname “Killer Mountain,” due to its high number of climbing-related fatalities. It’s no surprise that Fairy Meadows Road, which leads up the pass, is just as dangerous as well.