Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

33. BR-116, Brazil

Constructed: 1933
Risk Factor: Winding turns, bad weather, criminal activities

Brazil’s BR-116 has earned its own nickname in the country: the “Highway of Death.” The BR-116 is fraught with unstable weather conditions, which can lead to the road’s asphalt becoming dilapidated. The 2,700-mile stretch of winding, twisting highway runs up the coast of the country, making it the second-longest highway in Brazil.

BR-116, Brazil @ivasilinchuk /

BR-116, Brazil @ivasilinchuk /

BR-116 is also deadly for another reason: crime. BR-166 is one of the worst highways in the world for the exploitation of children. It’s sad that a child is exploited every ten miles on the road. There are various nonprofits that work with these “girls of 116,” but the problem doesn’t appear to be abating.