Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

34. Cotahuasi Canyon Road, Peru

Constructed: Unknown
Risk Factor: Hairpin turns, dangerous drop-offs

Located near Arequipa, Peru, Cotahuasi Canyon is one of the world’s deepest canyons, with a depth of nearly 11,004 feet. The Canyon is over twice as deep as the States’ Grand Canyon. The Cotahuasi separates the Solimana and the Coropuna massifs.

Cotahuasi Canyon Road, Peru @ella777111 /

Cotahuasi Canyon Road, Peru @ella777111 /

The Cotahuasi Canyon Road is a dangerous trek. Located thousands of feet above sea level, the winding road leads to Arequipa. It has hairpin turns and steep drop-offs. The terrain is so treacherous, that a 4×4 vehicle is recommended. YouTube videos of people traveling along the twisting, turning road are harrowing, even with a tough, all-terrain vehicle.