Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

36. US-1, Florida, USA

Constructed: 1926
Risk Factor: Fatal accidents

The U.S. Highway 1, located in Florida, has long been the most dangerous road in America. Sometimes it falls to second place, but the highway is still really scary. Statistics compiled show that Florida has a Fatal Crash Rate of 2.8. The FCR is calculated by measuring traffic fatalities against the daily traffic flow. 2.8, in 2017, was the highest Fatal Crash Rate in the country.

US-1, Florida, USA @woolpearls /

US-1, Florida, USA @woolpearls /

Over the past decade, U.S. 1 has had 1,011 traffic accidents, which have resulted in 1,079 deaths. The reasons behind these dark statistics are common among developed highways: traffic congestion, distracted driving, and speeding.