Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

42. A360 Lena Highway, Russia

Constructed: 2015
Risk Factor: Freezing, floods

Nicknamed “The Highway to Hell” in Russia, the Russian Federal Highway A360 is one of the most-hated highways in Russia. It connects Moscow in the west with Yakutsk, a smaller town, in the east. The A360, also known as the Lena Highway, is the victim of poor government management.

A360 Lena Highway, Russia @gstefanilover /

A360 Lena Highway, Russia @gstefanilover /

The Lena is often impassable during the months of May and June when the snow melts. There are areas of the road where there is simply no pavement, and there is no bridge to cross the Lena River. In the winter, the road is prone to freezing, and there is little to no assistance for travelers who find themselves on the wrong end of the A360.