Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

44. HardKnott Pass, UK

Constructed: 110 A.D.
Risk Factor: Steep turns, steep inclines and declines

One of Britain’s most challenging roads is HardKnott Pass. Someone on TripAdvisor gave it 1 star, saying it was the “most dangerous road” they’d ever traveled, saying HardKnott’s “hairpin turns” are “so sharp” that they actually “curl back” on themselves.

Hard Knott Pass, UK @dangerousroadso /

Hard Knott Pass, UK @dangerousroadso /

The road isn’t just known for its unusually steep turns. It is also set at 1,300 feet above sea level with a gradient of 33% in some spots. The Cumbria region in which HardKnott is located is prone to heavy snowstorms and blizzards. In winter, HardKnott can be very unpredictable, though it’ll push your brakes to their limits no matter what time of year you drive it.