Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

47. Eldred Street, California, USA

Constructed: 1912
Risk Factor: Extremely steep

Though Eldred Street doesn’t have the terrifying accident statistics that I-5 does in California, it will still wreak havoc on your brakes. Eldred is the steepest street in Los Angeles, with a gradient of 33.3%. Eldred is a lesser-known road on the northeast edge of Mount Washington.

Eldred Street, California, USA @ella777111 /

Eldred Street, California, USA @ella777111 /

The Highland Park street might be steep, but it is still drivable, as long as you have faith in your car’s brakes. The fifty-foot street is 1.3% steeper than Baxter and Fargo, two other L.A. streets that are often mistakenly thought of as the city’s steepest. Because of the sharp grade, L.A. has to use miniature garbage trucks to service Eldred’s residents, as normal-size trucks would tip over.