Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

49. 99-Bend Road, China

Constructed: 1998-2005
Risk Factor: Literally 99 bends in the road

One TripAdvisor reviewer said simply, “Don’t do it,” about the 99-Bend Road. The road comes by its name honestly, as the Chinese road has ninety-nine bends in it, many of which are hairpin-sharp. 99-Bend Road is located in Tianmen Mountain in the national park of the same name.

99-Bend Road, China @dangerousroadso /

99-Bend Road, China @dangerousroadso /

Pedestrians can walk up 99-Bend Road, but some choose to drive. There is also a chairlift that will take you to the summit, where a large, beautiful Tang Dynasty temple is located (along with a vegetarian restaurant). 99-Bend Road is drivable, but the drive is stressful, requiring a slow pace, intense concentration, and absolutely no fear of heights.