Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

50. Filbert Street, California, USA

Constructed: 1900s
Risk Factor: Extremely steep, feral parrots

Filbert Street, located in San Francisco, has a gradient of 31.5%, making it one of the steepest streets in the city. Filbert Street begins at Lyon Street and ends on Telegraph Hill. It then resumes as the Filbert Street Steps, a pedestrian stairway built for anyone who wants to get a serious cardio workout.

Filbert Street, California, USA @bingteam /

Filbert Street, California, USA @bingteam /

The steepest part of the street is the hill between Hyde and Leavenworth. The descent is sixty-five feet. Filbert Street shares this steep gradient with 22nd Street. Both Filbert and 22nd require good brakes, and watch out for feral parrots, which often lurk near the Filbert Street Steps.