Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

51. Valley Of Fire, Nevada, USA

Constructed: 1935
Risk Factor: Bumpy, many turns, hot

If you’re going to Nevada, the Valley of Fire is definitely worth seeing, at least for a photograph. The landmark is renowned across the world for having 40,000 acres of red Aztec sandstone, nestled against tan and gray limestone. Be careful on the drive though, as the road to and through the Valley of Fire is not for the faint of heart.

Valley Of Fire, Nevada, USA @moneyinc /

Valley Of Fire, Nevada, USA @moneyinc /

The main road is called Mouse’s Tank Road, and, in addition to being bumpy, it has a lot of twists and turns. Not to mention, it’s hot there. The Valley of Fire can reach up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. If you’re attempting this drive, make sure your car is in good shape and your air conditioning is blasting. This is not a location where you want to get stuck on the side of the road.