Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

52. Ruta 40, Argentina

Constructed: 1935
Risk Factor: Poor surfaces, hairpin turns, wind

Ruta 40 is one of the longest highways in the world, and it runs more than 3,000 miles across the Andes Mountains. It reaches from the Bolivian border to the end of Patagonia. One reviewer described it as “the perfect road trip.”

Ruta 40, Argentina ©Jeroen Mikkers /

Ruta 40, Argentina ©Jeroen Mikkers /

The hairpin turns of Ruta 40 may be beautiful, but they’re not without their hazards. Despite its icon status, the road’s surfaces are notoriously bad. In some sections, there is just dirt and loose gravel. In bad weather, these sections are almost impossible to pass through. Additionally, some parts of the road get hit with violent gusts of wind that will rattle your car.