Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

53. Ffordd Pen Llech, Wales

Constructed: Unknown
Risk Factor: Steep angle

Ffordd Pen Llech (say that ten times fast!) is a road in Harlech, Wales that is known for being one of the steepest streets in the world. It actually held the title for world’s steepest street, coming in at a whopping 40% gradient, until the title went back to New Zealand’s Baldwin Street in 2020.

Ffordd Pen Llech, Wales @lriz1959 /

Ffordd Pen Llech, Wales @lriz1959 /

Using more accurate measuring techniques, it was determined that the gradient is more something like 28%, which while it isn’t record breaking is still quite treacherous to summit in a car that could risk stalling on the steep hill, or even rolling back down, as happens to Anne Hathaway’s character on the Steep Hills of San Francisco in Princess Diaries.