Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

55. Tioga Road, California, USA

Constructed: 1890
Risk Factor: Unpredictable storms and blizzards

Tioga Road, located in California, is an admittedly beautiful alpine drive. You see some of the most majestic sights in the state, and the Tioga Pass offers quite a few places to pull over and take pictures. The Tioga Pass is a two-lane road that’s wide enough for cars to travel comfortably, and there are many designated turn-out areas.

Tioga Road, California, USA @BingTerrier /

Tioga Road, California, USA @BingTerrier /

However, the entire road is not like that. Tioga Road has a reputation for being scary, especially because of unpredictable storms. Snowstorms and blizzards in particular can make driving extremely challenging, and if there’s even a hint of snow in the forecast, you should stay off the Tioga.