Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

58. Transfagarasan Highway, Romania

Constructed: 1974
Risk Factor: Sharp turns, steep drops, tunnels

If you want a thrilling ride right through Dracula’s territory, consider Transfagarasan, which is the second-highest paved road in the country of Romania. It is also one of the most dramatic roads in the Eastern European country, featuring hairpin twists and turns and travels through long, dark tunnels that go pitch-black in some spots.

Transfagarasan Highway, Romania @jlpershing /

Transfagarasan Highway, Romania @jlpershing /

Talk about a Halloween drive. Other dangers of Transfagarasan Highway include steep drops. The road began claiming lives well before it was finished when forty people died during Transfagarasan’s construction when engineers carried out demolition work. Perhaps Dracula left a curse on the road.