Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

60. Going To The Sun Road, Montana, USA

Constructed: 1933
Risk Factor: Twists and turns, super narrow lanes

The Going to the Sun Road, located in Montana, took thirty-five years to complete. During construction, the road took the lives of three people. Forbes called it the “most savage and breathtaking” road in America. When you see pictures, you can’t help but agree.

Going To The Sun Road, Montana, USA @kiraferrer /

Going To The Sun Road, Montana, USA @kiraferrer /

The Going to the Sun Road is the crown jewel when it comes to scenic Montana driving. It is completely paved, but it is very narrow. The two-lane highway has winding bends and hairpin turns as it bisects the National Park. The road’s narrow lanes and twistiness are its biggest dangers for unsuspecting drivers. Moral of the story, pay attention when you’re on the Going to the Sun Road.