Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

65. Hana Highway, Hawaii

Constructed: 1926
Risk Factor: Cliffs, pitch-black at night, frequent rain, turns, narrow roads

The Road to Hana, located in Hawaii, has been nicknamed “The Divorce Highway,” due to its tendency to cause fights among some couples. If you’ve ever been in a relationship, then you know that, at some point, you’re not going to like the way your partner drives. No matter how much you love them, watching them drive can fray your nerves.

Hana Highway, Hawaii ©YegoroV /

Hana Highway, Hawaii ©YegoroV /

That goes double on a road like Hana. The Maui road has 59 bridges and 620 curves. Of those 59 bridges, 46 of them are one-lane. At night, the road is very dark, and frequent rain can cause visibility to go to zero, which is especially dangerous because you’re driving near cliffs. If you’re used to driving on wide, multi-lane, straight highways, the Road to Hana will cause a heart attack.