Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

69. Furka Pass, Switzerland

Constructed: 1867
Risk Factor: Hard to navigate, weather can be bad

Just looking at an aerial view of the Furka Pass in Switzerland gives you a good idea of why the road is dangerous. It’s difficult to navigate, as you’re almost 8,000 feet above sea level trying to make your way around the hairpin twists and turns. The Pass looks like something a child drew, as it is full of twists and turns.

Furka Pass, Switzerland ©taranchic /

Furka Pass, Switzerland ©taranchic /

On the Furka Pass, you travel through the Swiss Alps. The road connects Gletsch in Valais with Realp in Uri. The Furka Pass is considered one of the most dangerous roads in the country, and the first section, in particular, is thought to be hazardous. If it’s raining or dark, the Furka Pass is not a good idea, even for the most seasoned driver.