Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

72. Carretera De Sa Calobra, Spain

Constructed: 1932
Risk Factor: Asphalt becomes very slick on rainy days, hairpin turns, narrow roads

The inhabitants near the Carretera De Sa Calobra, Spain call it “The Snake” because of how the road twists and turns. The road, which has the official designation of MA-2141), is one of Spain’s most scenic drives, traveling through Majorca Island. It is a short road, stretching under 100 miles.

Carretera De Sa Calobra, Spain ©el lobo /

Carretera De Sa Calobra, Spain ©el lobo /

Though not long, Carretera De Sa Calobra is still fraught with danger. In addition to its twists and turns (which make it a “Snake”), the road has tons of traffic in the summer. This is unfortunate as “The Snake” is extremely narrow and nearly impassable for two cars at one time. In the rain, the asphalt also becomes very slick and unsafe.