Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

73. The Romantic Road, Germany

Constructed: 1950s
Risk Factor: Fast drivers, distracting sights, changes in altitude

A trip to southern Germany would be remiss without a drive along the iconic “Romantic Road”. Spanning from Würzburg to Füssen, with incredible views of castles in the Bavarian forests. While for the most part ir’s a safe and well-trodden tourist route, unlike others on this list, there are definite hazards to look out for.

The Romantic Road, Germany ©Rudy Balasko /

The Romantic Road, Germany ©Rudy Balasko /

First, native Germans will be zipping by, taking the route much faster than out-of-towners. In addition, anywhere with a lot of tourists means that there will be a lot of people distracted by the sights and also checking their maps frequently to avoid getting lost. There also might be people not used to driving a stick shift, which are much more common in Europe.