Most Dangerous Roads Ever Built

74. Million Dollar Highway, Colorado, USA

Constructed: 1926
Risk Factor: Steep, unprotected cliffs, snowstorms

The “Million Dollar Highway” in Colorado has a name with a debated source. Some say that it got its moniker because it cost so much to construct, while others say it came from the gold ore that still remained in the roadway’s fill, making it a literal road of gold. “Million Dollar” might also refer to the figurative price of the beautiful views on the highway.

Million Dollar Highway, Colorado, USA ©Jay Krishnan /

Million Dollar Highway, Colorado, USA ©Jay Krishnan /

You get to see the canyons and San Juan Mountain Range while traveling the Million Dollar Highway. These views do come with a price—there’s a risk of vehicles falling off the steep cliffs, as these drops have no guardrail lining them. The snowstorms that frequently hit the area also make this Million Dollar Highway a zero in the winter.