Most Expensive Red Carpet Jewelry of All Time

22. Gloria Stuart’s Blue Diamond Necklace

Designer: Harry Winston
Event: 1998 Oscars
Worth: Unknown

Gloria Stuart is best-known to many for playing the older version of Kate Winslet’s Rose in Titanic. When she attended the Oscars in 1998, Harry Winston loaned her a stunning diamond necklace with a sapphire in the middle, purposely reminiscent of the Heart of The Ocean necklace seen in the movie.

Gloria Stuart’s Blue Diamond Necklace ©Featureflash Photo Agency /

Gloria Stuart’s Blue Diamond Necklace ©Featureflash Photo Agency /

Stuart clearly loved wearing the gem as she showed it off to photographers willingly. It’s not known just how much it cost, but if we had to give our best estimate it would be somewhere around $3 million.