Most Expensive Red Carpet Jewelry of All Time

38. Celine Dion’s Heart Of The Ocean

Designer: Asprey & Garrard
Event: 1998 Oscars
Worth: $1.4 million*

After the success of the 1998 movie Titanic, one thing that everyone (well, everyone in the style world) was talking about was the Heart of the Ocean, the beautiful pendant owned by Rose, who threw it into the ocean. Several replicas of the Heart of the Ocean were made, including one by Asprey & Garrard.

Celine Dion's Heart Of The Ocean ©Steve Granitz /

Celine Dion’s Heart Of The Ocean ©Steve Granitz /

Asprey & Garrard’s stunning interpretation was worn by the singer Celine Dion, who is, apparently, a huge fan of Titanic. The blue, 171-carat, heart-shaped sapphire came with 103 diamonds. The jewelry suite was set in platinum, and it was worth $2.2 million. After Dion wore it to the 1998 Oscars, an unknown collector purchased the beautiful piece.