Most Expensive Structural Failures in History

10. The Knickerbocker Theater, Washington, D.C, USA

Built: 1911
Collapsed: 1922
Est. Damages: $8,000 (1924)*

In their designs, architects are able to account for most variables that might arise, however, nothing can prepare someone for the unpredictability of Mother Nature. Thanks to a 2-day blizzard, in 1922, the Knickerbocker Theatre is tied with Florida’s Surfside condominium as America’s third-deadliest failure of structural engineering.

The Knickerbocker Theater, Washington, D.C, USA @Shorpy, Inc /

The Knickerbocker Theater, Washington, D.C, USA @Shorpy, Inc /

On January 28, 1922, the roof of the Knickerbocker Theatre collapsed under the weight of a tremendous amount of snow. 133 theatre-goers were injured when the ceiling fell in on them, while 98 others, including many political figures, were killed.