Most Expensive Structural Failures in History

11. 2000 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, USA

Built: 1969-1971
Collapsed: 1971
Est. Damages: Unknown

In the fall of 1969, construction began on the 2000 Commonwealth Avenue building in Boston. The building was to have 133 apartments and provide housing for close to 400 people. To the dismay of all those involved, the building, as it was meant to be, was never completed.

2000 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, USA @Ian Strachan /

2000 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, USA @Ian Strachan /

On January 25, 1971, the day before the last beam was to be placed, while pouring the concrete for the top floor of the structure, two-thirds of the building was destroyed. It happened progressively, not all at once, so many of the site’s 100 workers were able to get to safety, but not all – 4 construction workers lost their lives that day.