Most Expensive Structural Failures in History

19. Surfside Condominium Collapse, Florida, USA

Built: 1980-1981
Collapsed: 2021
Est. Damages: $1 Billion*

In the early hours of June 24th, 2021, the quiet retirement community of Surfside, Florida, was changed forever when the south building of Champlain Towers partially collapsed. It’s believed that the collapse was caused as a result of the corrosion of the steel that was meant to supply reinforced support to the structure’s foundation.

Surfside Condominium Collapse, Florida, USA @JOE RAEDLE /

Surfside Condominium Collapse, Florida, USA @JOE RAEDLE /

The problem with the building’s foundation had previously been reported twice, once in 2018 and once 2 months prior to the collapse, but, considering that this $1 billion disaster occurred, it would appear as though the reports were not acted upon quickly enough. Four people were fortunate enough to be pulled out of the wreckage alive, sadly, the same cannot be said for the other 98 residents of the building who were in the collapsed section.