Most Expensive Structural Failures in History

25. Corralejas Stadium Collapse, Colombia

Built: Unkown
Collapsed: 1980
Est. Damages: Unknown

On January 20, 1980, due to overcrowding and poor safety standards, a disaster struck the Corralejas stadium in Sincelejo, Columbia. Thousands of spectators flooded the arena in hopes of being entertained by the bullfights that were scheduled for the evening, but shortly after the event began, the bleachers collapsed.

Corralejas Stadium Collapse, Colombia @Mónica Páez /

Corralejas Stadium Collapse, Colombia @Mónica Páez /

In the entirety of Columbia’s rich sporting history, there have been multiple events that have led to the deaths of spectators, however, no event has claimed more lives than the collapse of the bleachers in the Sincelejo bullring. At least 222 people died in the events of January 20, 1980, and hundreds more sustained, at least, light injuries.