Most Expensive Structural Failures in History

42. Sasago Tunnel, Japan

Built: 1977
Collapsed: 2012
Est. Damages: Unlisted

The Sasago Tunnel, a twin-bore motorway tunnel located on the Chuo Expressway, is a Japanese tunnel fifty miles west of Tokyo. It was constructed in the 1970s, and, around 8 AM on December 2, 2012, 150 concrete panels inside the tunnel collapsed. Three vehicles, including a six-person passenger van, were crushed and incinerated.

Sasago Tunnel, Japan @JListPeter /

Sasago Tunnel, Japan @JListPeter /

The fallen panels were over 2,000 pounds each. Nine people were killed and two hurt, making the Sasago collapse the deadliest roadway incident in the history of Japan. The tunnel was closed for months before it was fully reopened and repaired. According to witnesses, smoke billowed from the Koshu entrance to Sasago after the panels collapsed.