Most Expensive Structural Failures in History

4. Hard Rock Hotel, New Orleans, USA

Built: 2018-2019
Collapsed: 2019
Est. Damages: Unknown

Built on the location where an old Woolworth’s store once stood, in 2018, construction began on “The Big Easy’s” newest attraction, a Hard Rock Hotel. Work continued on the new project, through into 2019, even after a contractor and a few of the workers had said that they had complained about the unsafe working conditions and unorthodox practices that occurred on site.

Hard Rock Hotel, New Orleans, USA @Henry Silva Quevedo /

Hard Rock Hotel, New Orleans, USA @Henry Silva Quevedo /

On October 12, 2019, New Orleans’ new Hard Rock Hotel partially collapsed, killing 3 people and injuring dozens of others. The follow-up investigation determined that the structural integrity of the building was compromised as a result of the steel bolt connections not being designed adequately, and the rest of the building was subsequently demolished on the order of the city’s mayor, LaToya Cantrell.