Most Expensive Structural Failures in History

6. Ronan Point, London, England

Built: 1968
Collapsed: 1968
Est. Damages: Uknown

The structural frame, with which high-rise buildings should be constructed, was non-existent in Ronan Point. In other words, should a lower floor give-way, the higher floors would have no support and would in turn collapse as well – which is exactly what happened only 2 months after the building was inaugurated.

Ronan Point, London, England @Alef Adriano /

Ronan Point, London, England @Alef Adriano /

On May 16, 1968, a gas explosion shook the Ronan Point building causing the southeast corner of the 22-floor high-rise to begin its eventual collapse. 17 of the building’s 260 residents were injured, while 4 others were killed immediately as a result of the blast.