Most Expensive Structural Failures in History

7. Hotel New World, Singapore

Built: 1971
Collapsed: 1986
Est. Damages: $1.5 Million Raised For The Families Of The Victims*

It took two years to build Hotel New World, however, as a result of structural defects and shoddy construction work, on March 15th, 1986, it took less than a minute for the six-story building to collapse – not one support beam was left intact.

Hotel New World, Singapore @abdullah dawood /

Hotel New World, Singapore @abdullah dawood /

33 people lost their lives due to the collapse of the Hotel New World, but, had it not been for the work of the rescue crews and tunnel experts who were able to help save the lives of the other 17 people who were in the building at the time of its collapse, it would have been a lot worse.