Renovation Trends That Decrease The Value Of Your Home

12. Turning Two Small Rooms Into One

Year of Popularity: Ongoing
Est. Cost: $2,000+ depending on the walls*
Our needs often change after buying a house. If someone moves out or you need a little extra space, the idea of turning two small rooms into one often pops up. Depending on what your walls are made of, it can be a simple task. However, it can turn your three-bedroom family home into a two-bedroom.

Turning Two Small Rooms Into One ©Dmitry Kalinovsky /

Turning Two Small Rooms Into One ©Dmitry

How many rooms there are is high up there on a buyer’s list of priorities so it can see the value of your home fluctuate. Many people would likely pass over a viewing if they’re looking for a third bedroom, even if it’s the same square footage.