Renovation Trends That Decrease The Value Of Your Home

31. Brightly Colored Woodwork

Year of Popularity: 1908-1935, 1980s
Est. Cost: $10-$1,000 per piece* When most people paint their door frames or banisters, they use a neutral color that’s inoffensive. That’s the best move. However, in recent years, there have been more and more people opting to paint their woodwork grey, or even black.

Brightly Colored Woodwork ©Artem Bruk /

Brightly Colored Woodwork ©Artem Bruk / Shutterstock

Avoid this at all costs if you’re looking to sell your home. It can really impact how a future buyer might think about the house. After all, the prospect of repainting it all to a color palette that suits them is a little daunting.