Renovation Trends That Decrease The Value Of Your Home

45. Preparing For Emergencies

Year of Popularity: 1960s, 2001-Present
Est. Cost: $12,000-$60,000* (Panic Room Installation Cost)

After 2020, we understand the need to prepare for emergencies. The most common emergency preparation renovations that you see with homes, particularly expensive ones, include backup generators, subsistence gardening plots, extensive security systems, water purification systems, panic rooms, huge food storage facilities, and even bunkers.

Preparing For Emergencies ©Radovan1 /

Preparing For Emergencies ©Radovan1 /

These renovations give you peace of mind, but they cost thousands of dollars. For example, installing a panic room costs anywhere from $12,000 to $60,000. The person looking to buy your home might not be as dedicated to disaster preparedness as you, resulting in a huge loss of your investment. If you have to make these emergency preparation renovations, make sure they’re easy to reverse.