Renovation Trends That Decrease The Value Of Your Home

53. Electric Fireplaces

Year of Popularity: 1981-Present
Est. Cost: $850-$3,500* (Including Installation)
Electric fireplaces, according to, “may not increase” your property’s value. Though they have their benefits and can create a beautiful space, the expense, which can come to several thousand dollars, when you factor in installation, often makes these fireplaces not worth the money.

Electric Fireplaces ©Sharaf Maksumov /

Electric Fireplaces ©Sharaf Maksumov /

If you want to add value to your home, advises putting in a wood or gas fireplace. These fireplaces add between 50% and 75% of an increase in value. Installing a wood fireplace costs $2,319 on average, while gas fireplaces range in price from $2,500 to $10,000. Though expensive, they will add value.