Renovation Trends That Decrease The Value Of Your Home

57. Mirror Wardrobe Doors

Year of Popularity: 2000s Est. Cost: $50-$200*
Mirrored wardrobe doors are another home improvement that is very subjective. Some people might not want them, and de-installing them will be a pain, especially if the mirror is the door. Mirrored sliding doors enhance the aesthetic appeal of a bedroom, and they do require less space than a regular slide door.

Mirror Wardrobe Doors ©solepsizm /

Mirror Wardrobe Doors ©solepsizm /

However, these won’t add value to your home. They might not decrease it, but the cost and time spent installing likely won’t pay off, unless you have an unusually specific buyer with a desire for mirrored doors. Skip this one when you’re compiling your renovation list, as it’s just not necessary.