Renovation Trends That Decrease The Value Of Your Home

62. Freestanding Baths

Year of Popularity: 1800s, Present (Made a Comeback)
Est. Cost: $1,000-$3,500*
It’s up to you whether you want to add a freestanding soaking tub to your bathroom. Look at the numbers first. To do an upscale bathroom remodel, you’ll likely pay $67,106 on average ( On resale, you’ll get 56.6%, or a little under $38,000, back. If this R.O.I. looks good to you, go for it.

Freestanding Baths ©Paul Maguire /

Freestanding Baths ©Paul Maguire /

But, if you’re going to be adding a freestanding soaking tub, you’ll probably have to do a full-scale bathroom remodel as well, in order to keep up the “spa-like” appearance of the bathroom. If you’re not ready to commit to that, it might not be worth it to add only the freestanding tub.