Renovation Trends That Decrease The Value Of Your Home

64. Brown Front Door

Year of Popularity: 1900-Present
Est. Cost: $6-$7 to paint* According to PJ Fitzpatrick, a brown front door’s shade can tell a lot about you. If your front door is light brown, that means you’re “warm and reliable,” but if it’s dark brown, you’re “introverted and private.” True or not, brown front doors are a common sight, especially in the suburbs.

Brown Front Door ©Ursula Page /

Brown Front Door ©Ursula Page / Shutterstock

However, a brown front door isn’t going to add value the way other colors will.
According to, the best front door colors for people trying to sell a “contemporary house” are turquoise, pink, and bright yellow.
Black front doors have, overall, the best resale value, regardless of style. If you’re trying to sell a “traditional home,” the best colors are sage green, dark gray, and deep blue.