The 10 best healthy foods for dinner time

9. Magnesium: What is it good for, and where can we find it?


Magnesium is an essential mineral for several functions of the human body. Discover what it is used for and in which foods we can find it.

What is magnesium and what is it used for?

As previously mentioned, magnesium is a mineral necessary for numerous biochemical reactions in the human body. It also contributes to the functioning of muscles and nerves. Thanks to this mineral, the heartbeat is maintained constant and blood sugar levels are kept balanced. 

On the other hand, it contributes to the strengthening of the immune system and bone mass. In addition, it provides energy, helps in the production of proteins and genetic material of cells.

Magnesium deficiencies

If low magnesium levels become chronic, the risks of high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis and heart disease can be elevated. Similarly, muscle discomfort such as tingling or numbness and cramps can occur. It can also cause fatigue and chronic tiredness, as well as migraines, nervousness, constipation and sleeping difficulties. 

Foods that contain it

Foods containing this mineral are legumes, such as chickpeas, lentils, beans, soybeans and lima beans, among others. It is also found in whole grains such as wheat, oats, millet, and wheat germ. 

It is also present in green leafy vegetables such as chard, spinach, broccoli and kale. In milk and its derivatives and in dark chocolate. It is also found in nuts such as almonds, pistachios, walnuts, hazelnuts and sunflower seeds. In addition, it is found in sprouts and other foods fortified with this mineral. 

It is unlikely to consume excess magnesium from the diet. If so, it is quickly eliminated in the urine. However, if it is obtained through supplements, it may cause specific symptoms and interactions with other medications. 

Therefore, it is recommended to consume magnesium through foods containing magnesium in a balanced diet. Supplements are only recommended if prescribed by a medical specialist.