The 10 best healthy foods for dinner time

11.What are the benefits of pineapple?


Pineapple is a delicious tropical fruit that can provide numerous health benefits. Discover them below.

What is pineapple and what are its properties?

Pineapple, also known as pineapple or pineapple is a tropical fruit that belongs to the bromeliad family. It is native to South America and has a thick and large shape.

Its pulp is yellow, while its peel is formed by bracts that end in a sort of crown formed by the leaves. It is very aromatic, and besides being eaten raw, it is also used in desserts, jams, jellies, and Asian recipes.

Pineapple has a very low caloric content and is mainly composed of water. It is also rich in vitamin C and B complex vitamins. It is also rich in minerals such as potassium, iron, magnesium and manganese.

On the other hand, it is composed of enzymes such as bromelain, which gives it digestive properties, thus helping to digest proteins. It also has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and mucolytic properties. 

Benefits of pineapple

As previously mentioned, pineapple aids digestion because it is composed of an enzyme that helps digest proteins. It also purifies the liver and detoxifies the body. It is also diuretic and prevents fluid retention. 

On the other hand, it is anti-inflammatory, in this sense, it prevents inflammation of joints, organs and tissues. It avoids the symptoms associated with arthritis or tendinitis. Similarly, it is ideal for weight-loss diets, as it is hypocaloric and maintains the feeling of satiety for longer.

It also has an antioxidant effect, prevents premature aging and helps the rapid healing of wounds and skin ulcers. In addition, being rich in potassium, it helps regulate high blood pressure.

Now that you know the benefits of pineapple, we recommend incorporating it into your diet. It is better to consume the fruit fresh or in juices as this way its properties are better preserved. If you suffer from any chronic condition, consult your doctor before making significant changes in your diet and lifestyle.