The 10 best healthy foods for dinner time

1. Salmon


The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend eating two to three servings of fish per week. One of the healthiest choices is salmon. “Salmon is like a multivitamin for the brain. It’s loaded with important brain-boosting nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and choline and is an excellent source of high-quality protein,” says Lauren Manaker M.S., RDN. Eating salmon is also linked to better heart health, and “fish like salmon can positively impact sleep quality,” adds Manaker.

Sustainability is something to consider when choosing salmon. Manaker recommends looking for “integrity options by looking for the certified Best Aquaculture Practices seal.” Or use the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch Guide to find the most sustainable options.

Salmon is also incredibly versatile. Whether you buy fresh or canned, salmon cakes are a favorite, or try honey-garlic salmon for an easy and delicious dinner. The Greek salmon bowl is a delicious dinner that is also perfect for lunch the next day.