The 10 best healthy foods for dinner time

6. Pomegranate: Properties and benefits of this delicious fruit


Pomegranate is a fruit that may not be as well known as others with similar properties. However, it provides many health benefits. Discover them below.

Origins and properties of pomegranate

The pomegranate is a fruit whose scientific name is Punica granatum and comes from the pomegranate tree. The fruit has a thick yellow and red skin. While its seeds are covered by a red pulp.

This fruit originated in Asia. Both in Persia and Afghanistan. It is believed to have been cultivated since ancient times, as remains were found in Egyptian tombs. It was then brought to the Mediterranean. The Arabs introduced it to Spain, and after the conquest, it was brought to the American continent.

It is currently cultivated in tropical areas and is highly appreciated for its antioxidant properties. It contains vitamin A, some vitamins of the B complex, and a higher concentration vitamin C. It also contains minerals such as potassium, manganese, calcium, iron and magnesium. It is rich in polyphenols and flavonoids that make it a powerful antioxidant. 


As previously mentioned, one of the main properties of this fruit is its antioxidant power. In this sense, it helps prevent certain types of cancer. In addition, it also prevents inflammation of organs and joints and relieves the symptoms of diseases such as arthritis.

In the same way, it prevents cognitive deterioration in the brain and diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. On the other hand, it prevents premature aging, reduces expression lines and consequently improves the appearance of the skin.

On the other hand, due to its potassium content, it helps to reduce high blood pressure. And because of its fiber and enzyme content, it aids digestion. In addition, it protects the heart and prevents heart disease. And it strengthens the immune system.

How to incorporate it into your diet

Because of its many health benefits, it is recommended to incorporate this fruit into your regular diet. You can eat pomegranate fresh or prepare juices, shakes or smoothies. You can also add it to salads or prepare a pomegranate tea. 

Accompany it with a balanced diet, regular physical activity, a good night’s rest and reduce stress in your daily life.